Saturday, October 19, 2013

POG Manager Report 10/12-18

POG Manager Report 10/12-18
+          Worked on Columbus Day. Port was busy with fishermen.
+          Received four informal bids for the installation of the temporary maintenance yard. John Longfellow Construction, Nehalem, was the low bid at just under $10k. Forwarded qualifying submittals to EDA and received Notice to Proceed. Met with John to sign contract on Thursday.
+          Received scoring tabulations from the committee (myself, Ken Valentine, April from HHPR and Kelly Barnett) for evaluating the six construction management proposals. Entered scores in matrix and invited DayCPM and HatchMottMacDonald for interviews on Wednesday. Called other four proposers and let them know the port appreciated their submission. Commission met with both teams for just less than an hour and spent a half hour deliberating. It was a very close decision but the Commission ultimately instructed me to begin negotiations with HMM. Spent balance of the week coordinating a meeting between Mary McArthur and myself to begin finalizing scope of work.
+          Met with Heidi Luquette, a member of the Ford Family Leadership Institute, to discuss leadership qualities related to the Commercial Ave. Wharf project. Also discussed the clambed stairwell project which was a great community project from several years ago.
+          Completed scheduling interviews for the vision consultant for next Monday and Tuesday. Lots of interest with a limited number of appointment times. Have already received two general public comments for the commission to review. Town Hall session scheduled for December 10th. Wrote and distributed press release and updated on port’s website. Also sent reminder email and phone calls to those with appointments on Monday.
+          Continue to receive questions and comments from interested bidders for the general construction contract. Based upon federal closure and the number of good ideas coming through the pipeline, HHPR is pushing the bid opening back a week to Oct. 25th.
+          Began scheduling annual visits to local government groups for support on the jetty system. Also confirmed port commission meetings in RB and BC in December/January.
+          Conversation with Lonnie Hayhurst, port HR consultant. Should be getting draft classification plan ready next week for employee review.
+          Received land use permits for wharf, yard installation from city.
+          Due to issues related to permits with creosoted wood disposal, the contractor will not be able to bring a crusher to the wharf site for making base rock that could have saved money on the yard installation. Had been hoping to save a couple bucks by repurposing the concrete, but it will now be cheaper to truck the material for disposal than to repurpose.
+          Had a water main break at 4:00pm on Friday on Commercial Ave. (Why do water main breaks always happen on Friday afternoon?) Big River contractor and city employees did a great job of digging up the broken valve and getting it closed off. Had to dig quite a hole on Commercial and luckily we were going to be rebuilding the road next year. Thanks to the crews for doing a great job!
+          Have been coordinating a TPUD easement through the mill and boatwash parcels. Looks like the transformer will need to be placed on the boatwash lease hold as the mill does not see a benefit to the location. Sent easements to city engineer who nicely agreed to help rewrite the easement legal description. Hopefully we can get this in place as the trenching for the general service line begins next week.
+          Received and reviewed updated certified values from the county assessor’s office. Summary will be included in next commission packet.
+          Met with officials from Coast Oyster, Pacific’s oyster branch. There is interest in repurposing the red building for increased oyster production facility. The current outfall could be used, but a new intake pipe would need to be installed from the bay side. Luckily, I had a meeting already scheduled with DEQ’s district manager and we were able to meet and get some issues ironed out. Since the water wouldn’t be processed before being discharged, the permitting would be less difficult (similar permitting to Whisky Creek’s process.) Timing couldn’t be better as any utility needs can be accounted into the ROW remodel scheduled for next year. Hope is to have the building up and running by next spring including a handful of new jobs.
+          Received updates from staff regarding two boats that are currently going through the eviction process. Office staff is doing a great job of handling these emotional issues.
+          Discussed various health care funding options with representatives from Arch Cape water and sanitary district. Lots of information swirling around on the new health care requirements and affects to local government employers.
+          Spent some time determining whether Builder’s Risk insurance will be required for the wharf project. Typically this coverage is for something like new home construction where there could be a coverage “hole” while the building is being built and a fire were to occur. Since the wharf is basically concrete and steel, the chance for a builder’s risk event is slim to none. EDA will consider waiving that requirement.
+          After reviewing the TPUD proposal for the joint utility trench, I learned that about $1400 of the bill was for servicing the boatwash’s individual meter. Though the tenant agreed to cost share the main trench, the portion that was an individual benefit to the tenant (that being the line and meter from the transformer to the tenant’s specific building) was not covered. Called tenant and explained that this cost will need to be passed along which we can do on next billing cycle.
+          Addendum #3 on wharf project issued this week.
+          Learned from various sources about the passing of past port manager, Don Bacon, on Wednesday. Informed members of the organization and reached out to his family. Service scheduled for sometime in early November.
+          Conversations with Michele Bradley and Mark Landauer about having next OPPA annual conference in Tillamook County.
+          Put together next reimbursement request for EDA. Included pulling together all invoices and checks along with federal form, summary sheet and cover letter. EDA will review on Monday.
+          Had an interesting series of conversations regarding an individual wanting to drive pile and install their houseboat in Tillamook Bay. There are several reasons why this would be difficult and the guy did talk to some folks at DSL. After a discussion with the city’s land use planner, though, I think he finally realized it would be pretty difficult and the port would most likely not want to get out in front of the issue.
+          Received our insurance renewal information. Good project for next week.
+          Talked to Lonnie Hayhurst, HR consultant, about presentation in November and asked him to bring a proposal for reviewing and updating personnel manual.
+          Fielded several complaints regarding parking. This fall has been one of the most prolific fishing seasons in over a decade. As such parking for trucks and trailers has been at a premium. Many of our tenants have expressed frustration that their customers can’t find space to park. Parking will be a major consideration during the commission’s visioning plan. Every new development takes away from our already limited parking.
+          Scheduled with TPUD for decommissioning the power on Commercial Ave. It will take them a day to get everything down which will affect the cannery. Will be using the city’s large generator to hook it up to the business so they’ll still have power during the downgrade. This is scheduled for Monday. When completed the business will have their original power source but the rest of Commercial Ave. will allow the existing power poles to be removed.
+          The cannery has some dock support issues that could be jeopardized by the wharf project. Talked to engineers about including a minor fix to the general contract to give a little security to the leasehold.


10/21  Meeting with CM/GA
10/21  OPPA EC
10/21  RV electrical trench work begins
10/21-22        Vision Interviews
10/23  TIDE
10/23  Jessi back!
10/21-31        Dave on vacation


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