Friday, July 26, 2013

POG Manager Report 7/20-26

POG Manager Report 7/20-26
+          Brown ODOT Port of Garibaldi signs installed four miles north and south of town.
+          Port staff assisted HHPR surveyors to begin final design engineering for wharf.
+          Attended City Planning Commission meeting to discuss interpretation of “site frontage” for sign size. It was a very pleasant conversation and they agreed (by motion) to allow marine frontage to be included in the definition of site frontage. This should provide a more helpful clarification to port businesses that are looking to add signage to either the harbor or bay side.
+          Submitted Sign Application to City for a Port Office sign facing the bay for incoming mariners.
+          Staff Meeting. Discussed new time sheets (weekly) and reasons for tracking time on a weekly vs. monthly basis. Discussed payment process for non-exempt employees due OT. Discussed HR review of classification plan/personnel rules sometime in late August.
+          Talked to auditors about setting up a “fail safe” spreadsheet for tracking employee time. They have been very helpful in getting our processes clarified.
+          Attended NOHA administration plan adhoc committee meeting in Warrenton.
+          Attended County Managers meeting in Idaville on Thursday.
+          Guys working extra time this week for Garibaldi Days. Both the port and city look great.
+          Updated website, including coast guard link.
+          Made final changes to A/E contract with HHPR. They’re finishing the plans.
+          Made changes to storage lease for Garibaldi Charters. The storage unit (beneath the apartment) is up in September.
+          Updated waiting list. Up to 16 on C/D and F dock. Lots of interest.
+          Conversation with HLB/Otak to get final quote for RV park upgrade. We’re experiencing a little pressure as the powerline to the boat wash will need to be installed next month way before we were planning on installing the park upgrades. Will need to coordinate our engineer with Blair’s team.
+          Conversation with LGPI. They’ll prepare a proposal for HR review services for me to review next week.
+          Sent updated budget/schedule to ConnectOregon and EDA.
+          Assisted various bidders to further review wharf demo site.
+          Signed Kelly’s conditional use permit application.
+          DLCD sent a notice out for the technical assistance grant and formally responded.
+          Preparing scope of work for survey of new maintenance yard and flagging boatwash four corners.
+          Scheduled and rescheduled adhoc committee for final wharf engineering. Posted and corrected date for committee meeting.
+          Friday morning coffee at Irish’s Mooring. Talked with Steve Chun, Roby Lane, others.
+          Received new address for boat wash from City: 601 American Ave.
+          Responded to a OBDD client interested in unloading seawater on wharf. Wrote simple one page summary of port amenities/opportunities and submitted to Dennie.
+          Dropped off GCharter lease for Mautners to sign. All looks good!
+          Long conversation with Kate Groth, USACE, about mitigation opportunities for possible eel grass proliferation in federal channel. Will need to submit a local sponsor letter and will do so next week.
7/29    Dave Olson’s Birthday
7/29    City Council
7/30    OPPA in Salem
7/30    Connect Oregon forms due
7/31    Camp Hosts Leaving Tillamook
8/1      NOHA in Warrenton
8/2      Ray Buchegar visit


Friday, July 19, 2013

POG Manager Report 7/13-19

POG Manager Report 7/13-19
+          Meeting with Blair Smith, Toby Taylor and Paul Daniels to discuss issues related to boat wash project.
+          Pre-bid meeting with local contractors on demo project. Started out on just the buildings; but we decided to add the decking as an alternate deductible. This is an effort to keep as much of the job here in the county. Made changes to scope based on pre-bid walk through. Forwarded to state and feds for approval. Will finalize and get to bidders early next week.
+          Several meetings with staff managing work time and schedules. Introduced weekly time schedule that should more easily maintain accrued flex/comp time.
+          Meeting with Whitey Forsman about temporary displacement during construction. Pacific Oyster will be the biggest displaced tenant. Port will work with Pac so their barges can use the cargo dock.
+          Received complimentary letter from OBDD about Port’s use of strategic business planning, but our $40k grant request to further a vision plan was rejected. We still have an open $12,500 grant application out to DLCD and I’m hoping to hear on the results in the next couple of week. Will work with Commission to pare back scope.
+          Staff scheduled work for under wharf survey on July 22-23.
+          Finished cleaning of apartment and are awaiting the building inspection report.
+          Received final signatures on boat launch permit for USACE.
+          Gave tour to Michael Minoski, who was taking pictures of a day in the life of Oregon. 150 other photographers across the state were working on the same project. This is actually a recreation of a project done exactly 30 years ago to the day.
+          Due to long meeting agenda, prepared amended agenda and posted to media/around town within 48 hours of meeting.
+          Request from USCG Station Tillamook Bay to add a link our website. Will add it next week.
+          Staff alerted mill, boathouse about clearing stuff off boat wash lot.
+          Submitted sign permit to city for a sign on the Tillamook Bay side of our office building. Also submitted a letter to the Planning Commission to define “site frontage” to include non-rights of way, especially water frontage.
+          Discussion with City staff to pursue a Conditional Use to convert space by the dredge spoils site into a maintenance yard. The Port needs to find our maintenance crew a work yard and future home.
+          Submitted final engineer report to OBDD for reimbursement request for prelim grant. Should be receiving one final invoice from HHPR for additional reporting that could also be submitted. This should complete our prelim grant with the state.
+          Talked to representatives from the Local Government Personnel Institute (a subsidiary of the League of Oregon Cities) about reviewing port’s classification plan (job descriptions), personnel manual and processes to ensure that job descriptions match actual duties. Job descriptions appear to be decades old. SDAO can review policies and give samples but they don’t have the staff time to review job descriptions.
+          Had someone from the valley offer up their hotrod car to drive dignitaries in the G-Days parade. Forwarded information to Tourism Commission. We receive lots of calls about Garibaldi Days and port maintenance staff will be busy that weekend as well.
+          Conversation with David Wegner, Sr. Democratic Staff Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment about the shoaling issue at the mouth of Tillamook Bay. We talked about USACE authorization to 18-ft. depth, but the USCG has suggested dredging a “sand trap”, a 40-ft. hole that would absorb the break energies. Basically, federal representatives are working on issues related to low use ports and seeing what can be added to the next round WRDA legislation.
+          Touched base with interested parties on agenda items for this week’s commission meeting to make sure they had copies of packet and updated agenda.
+          Quarterly ports meeting scheduled for July 30 in Salem following the monthly OPPA meeting. On my schedule to attend.
+          Proofed and edited new letterhead to match business cards and other stationary.
+          Coordinated County Managers meeting last week of July.
+          Reviewed engineering contract with Commission Daniel and shared input with HHPR.
+          Reviewed OPPA agenda with executive committee.
+          EDA/ConnectOregon signs up at entry point into port. Also, ODOT put up new Port of Garibaldi signs about 4 miles out each way into town.

7/22-23          Wharf Surveying
7/23    Staff Meeting
7/24    TIDE Meeting
7/25    Commissioner Training at POTB
7/25-26          Jessi Off


Friday, July 12, 2013

POG Manager Report 7/6-12

POG Manager Report 7/6-12
+          Called Joel Stevens to make July 17th rescheduled meeting.
+          Attended Rockaway Beach Tourism Commission meeting to ask questions about Tourism Commissions generally and discussed ways of working more closely together.
+          Received new network copier/printer. Old one will be mothballed and sent to Salem with our old truck when its time.
+          Attended NOHA meeting in Columbia County.
+          Several calls/emails to Blair Smith to get design review items for commission review. Followed up with attorney to get draft lease prepared. Met with his builder, Toby Taylor, to discuss power line issues. We decided to set a meeting with Commissioner Daniels to bring everything together before next week’s meeting.
+          Conversation with Port’s engineer on RV park upgrades to discuss powerline options. He felt that the RV park will only need single phase power and that the cost would be about the same going from the front of the lot compared to the back of the lot. Hoping to get final design proposal soon.
+          Reviewed wharf engineering and final geotech proposal. Discussed with Ken Valentine. HHPR will begin surveying for the job next week. Also received updated project budget.
+          Have been trying to keep posted on issues related to the city’s land use code and port tenants. Unfortunately, state Goal 16 has some pretty restrictive language about what constitutes water “dependent”. Most of the businesses down at the Port existed before land use laws were in place, so even though a restaurant is legal, it’s a “pre existing, non-conforming use”. This means that if a new restaurant wants to come to the port, it would be very restrictive for that use. I believe that the Port’s vision effort this summer/fall will create the opportunity for an overhaul of the land use issues. It won’t be easy and I don’t envy the city at this point.
+          Continuing to communicate with Garibaldi Charters about lease renewal, but they have been busy and unable to move the lease forward. Will be an issue at next week’s meeting.
+          Received comments from our insurance carrier on the proposed resolution setting insurance certificate limits for tenants. Right now everyone submits something different. She felt that the limits in the resolution are very reasonable especially in light of the increased exposure under the tort limits in Oregon. Agenda item next week.
+          Starting clean up on upstairs apartment. Have already received interest in renting it out, but we are awaiting the building inspection report first.
+          Received health department RV park inspection report. Left message for Annette Pampush to review. They will be looking forward to the Port’s rebuild as many/most of the sites are too close.
+          Filed final paperwork with Connect Oregon and EDA so that we can start submitting reimbursement requests for the wharf project.
+          Followed up with USACE on permit for boarding float project. Have email out to them about when we can expect permit.
+          Legislative session is over and reviewed final analysis from Mark Landauer, OPPA.
+          Followed up with IFA on final grant for wharf preliminary planning. They’re playing pretty tough on what they’ll reimburse on and re-sent a geotech invoice that they’ve indicated they will pay on. Looks like they won’t reimburse us for the last $5k. Kind of tough, but not enough to make a bid deal over.
+          Also submitted letters of support from Boone/Johnson to OBDD for the port’s grant application for the commission’s vision plan, an update of the Strategic Business Plan.
+          Nominated as VP for OPPA executive committee next year.
+          Went over Scott Keillor’s scope and contract for vision and it looks great. Sent updated scope to OBDD and DLCD, potential grant funders.
+          Talked to Laura Hicks, USACE, and left messages with County about looking at a new dredge disposal site perhaps in Barview behind the training jetty. Could be a substitute place for the port’s jerry creasy way site.
+          Wrote and submitted letter to County Clerk certifying the election results.
+          Talked to owner of Icarus about moorage being terminated. Told him that I couldn’t help, but that he could attend next commission meeting.
+          Photographers will descend upon Port next week on the 15th as part of a region-wide contest.
+          Submitted and received demolition permit for 600/602 Garibaldi Ave. buildings. Also received some historic background information from Kari at the Assessor’s Office. Developed SOW and RFP for demolition contract; sent contract and RFP to EDA review. Like the scope; attorney needs to look at our contract, but very promising. We’ll be having a pre-bid meeting next Wednesday and bids should be in following week. Buildings should be down by mid-August.
+          Received, read and included in meeting packet letter from Coastal Caucus directed at north coast ports about dredging plans.
+          Began review personnel manual regarding comp time issues. May come up at board meeting.

7/15    Meeting with Blair Smith
7/15    GDays Committee
7/16    EDCTC Meeting
7/17    Port Meeting (rescheduled)
7/18    FACT Meeting


Friday, July 5, 2013

POG Manager Report 6/29-7/5

POG Manager Report 6/29-7/5
+          Submitted monthly Connect Oregon report.
+          Requested and received support for pushing the Commission’s regular meeting to July 17th from the 10th. Sent notice to papers alerting the public and updated posted agendas. This should allow staff to provide more information for agenda items difficult to obtain due to the July 4 holiday.
+          Office was closed for Independence Day. Back in office Friday.
+          Employees/supervisors began signing/dating all time cards. Port employees are extremely dedicated to the work here. This new sign-off requirement is needed for managing and controlling the use of compensatory time and for management to ultimately determine if additional staff is required.
+          Development of draft resolution changing the work week. One minor issue that came up during the time sheet review was compensatory time generated every other week when maintenance crew takes time off on Friday for working the preceding weekend. With the current workweek beginning on Monday, the subsequent weekend time work resulted in 1-1/2 time accumulated in comp time. By starting the workweek on Saturday, the employees can still have the three-day weekend every other week without incurring extra comp time.
+          Two hour meeting with CM John O’Leary discussing mutual matters.
+          Tried to record the Connect Oregon Acknowledgement of Assistance with the County only to be turned away by the Clerk’s Office that the State of Oregon needs to provide the Port with a “Consideration” before the County will record the document. When staff talked to the State, they disagreed that it was necessary, so we’ll hopefully get this sorted out once everybody is back in the office next week. Surveyed other CO recipients to find out what they did.
+          Likewise with EDA, a series of legal descriptions and EDA docs were received by Ken Valentine and taken back to PDX so he could formally mark them with his engineering stamp after which they’ll be mailed to Bill Sargent for his review. These items will also be recorded. Once these items are recorded, the Port can begin submitted reimbursement requests.
+          Check in with Nina DiConcini regarding the old 900-J permit expiration. (It’s been over two years since this was brought to DEQ’s attention.) She indicated that DEQ is opening up applications and that she’d love to meet with me to discuss beginning the process. Will wait until after session is over so Mark Landauer can sit in.
+          Wrote letter to Vern Scovell asking for planning level cost estimates for disposing of 25k cy of dredge materials (1) in-stream, (2) our 7-acre site, and (3) Kincheloe Pt. site. This material will be useful for the Port Commission in determining value of the port’s 7-acre site abutting Jerry Creasy Way as part of their visioning process this summer.
+          Will need to talk to the County about adding a dredge disposal site perhaps behind the training jetty in Barview. The closest alternative right now is Kincheloe, but it might make sense to see if the County Planning Commission would consider adding a site in Barview that could support the north jetty areas that have been identified as potentially failing. I will contact Laura Hicks, USACE, to see if they’d support the effort.
+          Received proposal from Ken Valentine on July 3rd for the completion of the wharf design and preparing the bid docs. Will need to review with earnest next week for Port Commission consideration. I did request from Ken to submit an adjusted project budget to reflect this change. This proposal will greatly dip into the port’s reserves as it will not be eligible for reimbursement by EDA.
+          Ray Buchegar, FBB Federal Relations, forwarded email from BoatUS advocating the Hill for small ports support in the WRDA bill. BoatUS representatives have met with the Port of Garibaldi over the last two years during our trips to DC.
+          Building Inspection completed this week on the apartment building in an effort to upgrade the structure. There was quite a mess left by the tenant and the deposits will be forfeited. I signed a letter indicating the port’s intent to the previous tenant. We’ve been receiving interest in renting the building and may do so after it’s cleaned with the caveat that the Port may be making upgrades in the next year or so (budget permitting).
+          A series of email/in-person conversations with the City regarding city sign code. The Port may want to consider a sign on the bay-frontage side of our office lettering mariners know that our building is the port office. We may want to ask the planning commission to “interpret” whether “site front” could include water frontage in addition to the traditional street frontage (site frontage is not currently defined). We can talk about this more on the 17th.
+          Surveyed ports for recent loan rates for RV park upgrades.
+          Thanks to Chris Miller for getting wifi up and running in the RV park! Nice work, Chris!
+          Forwarded POG’s executive search information/materials from 2009 to Port of Newport commissioner.
+          Most recent set of HHPR invoices (pre-construction planning) turned down for reimbursement by IFA. Will need to follow up when officer is back from vacation, but we’ll lots of other invoices to submit.
+          Followed up with Garibaldi Charters (letter and phone calls) to get details for lease. Was told that they wouldn’t have sales agreement finalized by July 1, so not sure what their next step will be.
+          Met with Leaseholder Kelly Barnett and City Planner Jay Sennewald to discuss use and sign issues. Kelly may need to apply for a conditional use to have his recreational fish processing and retail sales business. Follow up conversations with Barnett.
+          Followed up with City and Dave Olson about installing temporary parking signs in front of fish cleaning stations. Will be brought to Port Commission for approval on the 17th. OCSR train riders have impacted our facilities greatly. New parking spaces in front of Old Mill should help the parking issues.
+          Port staff pressure washed TEP roof removing moss/dirt.
+          Bought logo space for Port in Garibaldi Visitor’s Guide. There will be a lot of information in the guide on port activities and amenities.
+          Conversation with upset moorage holder about “lost” payment. We have no record (the port has three levels of backup for just this reason) and the moorage holder has no receipt. May come to Commission meeting. Directed staff to identify all contact and history with individual for commission packet in case he does show up.
+          Michele Bradley, POTB, has set up Commissioner training for Thursday, July 25th at 9:30am with working lunch. Wrap up at 2:30pm.
+          Inquiry by consultant about dredge permitting contract. Noted that its on my to-do list.
+          Had several email exchanges with Blair Smith. Two issues for proposed boatwash: (1) design considerations and (2) lease terms. I sent a formal letter about what the port needs to draft a lease (nothing has been received). I emailed and left voicemail messages about getting a 3D image (similar to what the port received from R Sanitary) and a summary of building materials/colors. Haven’t received anything. As of this week, I don’t believe the Port has enough information in to move forward. Hoping we’ll get more next week.
+          Scheduled meeting with Ray Buchegar, FBB Relations (lobbyist), for Friday, Aug. 2nd at 1pm at the port office.
+          Conversation with another upset moorage customer who wants permanent moorage, has a seasonal pass (payment plan) but has not followed port rules: parks wherever he wants and late payments. Have basically indicated that daily rate will be in effect and that six month passes are available for actively fishing commercial vessels only.
+          Hour long meeting with Scott Keillor to go over Vision Plan proposal. Several changes have been made, so he’ll be re-submitting proposal on Monday. (Still looks very good.) Have also submitted OBDD Ports Marketing grant application toward the project. I did have a nice conversation with Sen. Johnson who will support our application.
+          Helped Dave move a transient boat that was parked in the wrong spot.

7/8      GTC Meeting
7/8      attending Rockaway Beach Tourism Commission
7/10    new network copier/printer delivered
7/11    NOHA meeting
