Friday, December 14, 2012

POG Manager Report 12/8-14

POG Manager Report 12/8-14
+          Met with engineer to review new RV park layout and to discuss preparation of an Operations, Maintenance and Replacement manual. Will be able to finish next week to meet IFA loan requirement extension.
+          Attended Ports Legislative Session day in Salem and gave a 5 minutes powerpoint presentation on the port to state legislators.
+          Attended Rob Trost’s open house and wished him well on behalf of the Port.
+          Attended Port/City Christmas Potluck. Great opportunity for me to thank the elected officials, volunteers and staff for helping the community run so smoothly! Very good turn out and special thanks to Jessi Coon for decorating the community hall.
+          Attended annual Rockaway Beach City Council meeting to solicit support letter for port efforts in February to lobby for the south jetty. Also discussed invasive species issues related to (some) boaters leaving port to flush out their motors in Lake Lytle. Answered questions and discussed Garibaldi Tourism Commission organization and authority with John O’Leary, Garibaldi City Manager.
+          Attended annual Bay City City Council meeting to solicit support letter for the jetty system. Also gave update on wharf funding project.
+          Attended Garibaldi Days Committee meeting.
+          Last tsunami warning tests in the county.
+          Began booking flights/hotels for Feb. 25, 26, 27 for Washington DC lobbying trip.
+          Conversations with Port Commissioners during the week about various matters.
+          Began looking at what it would take to fix the fences on the TEP crabbing dock. Past quotes have been almost $9k. Maintenance crew is looking at doing the work in house for cost of materials ($1500).
+          Read a report on implementation of yurts in coastal communities as vacation rentals.
+          Filled out Tillamook Chamber survey on membership benefits.
+          Discussions with Bill Sargent on his review of RV Park Host agreement. Gave it a thumbs up!
+          Phone conference with EDA officials on next set of changes to grant application information. Deadline of January 15th to return updated data. Will tackle early in new year.
+          Obtained photos of commercial activity from around the port for inclusion in the powerpoint presentation.
+          Conversation with Whitey Forsman, Wharf Committee member and operator at Pacific Oyster, about obtaining Dulcich signature on EDA document. Whitey got it for me in half a day, which I appreciated. The document basically states that Pacific Oyster will be adding or preserving 15 jobs as a result from the Commercial Ave. wharf being rebuilt.
+          Participated in OBDD Ports Division Peer Review Committee on grant deliverables on the POTB Pelican Brew Pub feasibility study. Members of the committee are asked to review port projects that are funded by Port Planning Funds. We meet about six times a year to ensure that the grant funds are being used for their intended purposes. Great opportunity to see what other ports are doing as well.
+          Reveiwed update from Mary McArthur, NWACT director, on the list of ODOT Enhance grant application received by the state. The City of Garibaldi’s application was included which will compliment the work on Commercial Ave. Good luck!
+          Continued work with Melanie Olson, IFA, on refining our preliminary construction grant project. Some negotiating is taking place on making sure that our project is fully funded.
+          Received inquiry by a company interested in processing hagfish in Garibaldi; forwarded discussion to Gary Nothstein, OceanGold operator.
+          Received letter of resignation from Port Commissioner Dave May. I was sorry to see him resign, but totally understand wanting to have a break after more than 40 years of public service in Rockaway and Garibaldi. Thanks, Dave for your service to the Port District!
+         Happy Holidays and have a great new year!

12/15   Human Resource Management Class at PSU
12/17-1/1         Annual Vacation
12/17   City Council Meeting
12/18   Staff Meeting cancelled
12/19   EDCTC meeting
12/20   FACT meeting


Friday, December 7, 2012

POG Manager Report 12/1-7

POG Manager Report 12/1-7
+          Staff will be looking for new hosts for next summer as current hosts won’t be back next year.
+          Finished staff reports for commission packet.
+          Attended NOHA meeting in Tillamook.
+          Attended Holiday Open House at Garibaldi House Hotel.
+          Meeting with Melanie Olson, IFA, to review our two open grant agreements and our RV park loan requirements.
+          Attended Garibaldi Tourism Commission meeting.
+          Received and read OPPA Business Meeting minutes.
+          Sent one-page summary of south jetty project to cities of Bay City and Rockaway Beach along with a draft letter of support for their council consideration. Will be attended their council meetings later this month.
+          Dropped off materials at Bay City City Hall for inclusion in their council packet. I’ll be making a presentation at their next meeting.
+          Spent two hours reviewing port’s preliminary wharf construction project with Ken Valentine, Project Manager, to review budget expenses that are reimbursable by the state.
+          Reviewed PNWA 2013 calendar for important dates and transferred to port calendar.
+          Reviewed syllabus for PSU Human Resource Management course that starts on Dec. 15th.
+          Reviewed Mark Landauer’s Legislative Update. Looks like the Governor did not include OPPA’s $10MM pilot project for infrastructure.
+          Submitted $13,000+ grant reimbursement request to IFA for wharf project.
+          Talked to Joe Wrabek, Headlight Herald, on port activities for article.
+          Received insurance proposal, reviewed and forwarded to Port Commission. Should be approved at next meeting.
+          Follow up discussion with Glenn Dolphin, OSMB, and Lisa Phipps, TEP, regarding AIS prevention. Specifically boaters from Garibaldi cleaning their engines in Lake Lytle. Efforts to educate should happen in Garibaldi vs. Rockaway since once people are at Lake Lytle it will be harder to change behavior. Also met with a prospective tenant who would like to build a boat wash to service the port.
+          Discussions between port attorney and tenant regarding business sale. Wrote draft lease and termination agreement. Researched new business owner and name. Oklahoma business. Item on next meeting agenda.
+          Prepared Powerpoint presentation for Port Day at the Capitol. Submitted to Dave Harlan, OBDD Ports Director.
+          Received detailed request from EDA for next steps in funding. Forwarded email to Ken Valentine to begin work on pulling new set of documents together for federal consideration.
+          Received date of January 9th for County Commissioner’s federal funding priorities. Will begin preparing presentation next week. South Jetty project.
+          Worked on edits to Commission by-laws including review of significant notes from the Oregon Government Ethics Commission. Included in commission packet.
+          Trying to locate live trout farm in an effort to bring the fishing pond back to Garibaldi Days next summer. Could be spendy to truck fish in.
+          Solicited request on OPPA list serve for member ports to submit their bylaws for us to review.
+          Received executed contract with the State of Oregon for $1.6MM ConnectOregon funding. Will be receiving sign soon to put up near project site.
12/10   GDays Meeting
12/11   Bay City City Council
12/12   Rockaway Beach City Council
12/12   Port Commission Meeting
12/13   Ports Day @ Capitol
12/13   Rob Trost Opening

Friday, November 30, 2012

POG Manager Report 11/17-30

POG Manager Report 11/17-30
+          Attended City Council Meeting on the 19th to discuss zoning issues and Port affairs.
+          Attended GTC Garibaldi Days Committee meeting.
+          Staff was off for the Thanksgiving holiday on 22nd and 23rd.
+          Attended NOHA finance committee meeting in Warrenton.
+          Drafted Resolution adopting a process for the port manager’s annual evaluation. Should be codified into the Personnel Rules. No difference than what we’ve been doing; just formalizing the process.
+          Received GTC packet for next Monday.
+          Talked to various tenants to update contact information.
+          Discussion with Portland Aquarium who is interested in drawing water for their aquarium (off of Hwy 99 in Oak Grove). They plan on pumping 6k gallons of water from our docks to transport back to Portland. Charging a guest moorage fee of $30 a day for use (rate resolution). It’s a new business and they may be asking for the Port to sponsor some portion of their tourism business.
+          Received notice to proceed with ConnectOregon agreement.
+          Reviewed long- and short-term disability documents with Office Manager. Staff is working to develop an employee guide for when disability claims need to be filed.
+          Reviewed invite to TEP Annual Public Meeting for Dec. 10 at TBCC.
+          Discussed idea for a boat wash business on the corner of American Ave. and S. Sixth St. Conversation with assessor’s office for determining real market value for the approx. one acre lot.
+          Reviewed new party leadership in Salem.
+          Dave and engineer met on Friday to discuss RV park project.
+          Follow up with SDAO on insurance claims related to storm damage. Primarily Tillamook Bay boathouse, restrooms and signage.
+          Received audit reports. Processed paperwork. Uploaded .pdf of audit to website.
+          Conversation with County Commissioner Tim Josi regarding issues relating to future of OCZMA.
+          Conversation with County Commissioner Mark Labhart regarding county federal priorities workshop in new year and indicated the Port’s interest in having the Tillamook Bay jetty system considered as a top priority.
+          Researched correct date and time for Rob Trost opening in Tillamook. Suggested that port commissioners in Tillamook stop by on Thurs. Dec. 13th at 4pm to congratulate Rob on the new store.
+          Conversation with Ray Buchegar, lobbyist, on who jetty support letters should be addressed to this year. Letters can be sent to The Honorable Jo-Ellen Darcy, Asst. Sec. of the Army – Civil Works, 108 Army Pentagon, Washington DC 20310-0108. Cc: Col. Eisenhauer of the Portland District, Sens. Wyden and Merkley and Rep. Schrader.
+          Discussed OPPA proposal with Mark Landauer that OPPA begin asking for port by-laws to house on the OPPA website as ports will be looking to update their governance documents as part of the Strategic Business Planning process.
+          Discussed by-laws with Bill Sargent, port attorney, and asked him to review document before December meeting. Also sent request to OPPA, Dave Harlan at OBDD, Oregon Govt. Ethics Commission (OGEC), and Louann Ritchie at SDAO. POG by-laws are 95% done for commission review in December. Sample is uploaded on Port’s website.
+          Received agenda for Ports Legislative Summit at the State Capitol for Dec. 13th from 10am to 4pm. Commissioner Folkema has RSVP’d.
+          Read notice on continuing Marine Reserve process and ODFW continues to seek public comment on their Draft Work Plan. It’s now available on their website.

+          Conversation with Jeff Schons and Mary Jones about Pelican plans. They’re still interested in Garibaldi as a long-term (3 to 5 year) destination perhaps tied in to the Old Mill development.
+          Conversation with Patrick Mayer, Oregon Agriculture Dept., regarding continued export limitations on live crab. Sounds like US Commerce is still hunkered down on continued pressure from Asian markets to force multiple federal checks on product which makes it more difficult for product to make it to Asia in usable shape. Mayer also shared documentation on state’s oyster production numbers. Tillamook Bay and Yaquina Bay are neck and neck as the state leader in oyster production.
+          Port dump truck has seen better days and Dave Olson, Maintenance Manager, has asked that we look into replacing it soon. Began researching cooperative purchase agreements with states of Oregon and Washington about looking at used or fleet trucks. An agreement between the Port and State will allow us to purchase budgeted equipment/services as potentially cheaper rates.
+          Conversation with Dave McCall, County Solid Waste Management Dir. Sent information regard Coffin Butte Landfill ( as this information was needed as part of the Port’s EDA grant application.
+          Finished final touches on ODOT STIP application. Collaborated with Scott Keillor and John O’Leary. City sent application to ODOT on Tuesday. Cross our fingers!
+          Received digital copy from Georgia York, OCZMA on commercial fisheries report. Posted to POG’s Facebook page. Also read materials related to OCZMA funding history.
+          Rockaway Beach received commission’s letter of support for wayside parks project. They submitted their application last week.
+          Scheduled to attend Bay City City Council meeting on December 11 to ask for Council support for jetty system and to give an update on port affairs.
+          Narrowed dates for Washington DC jetty/wharf lobbying trip to Feb. 26th or 25th. Will be there for one day; five meetings.
+          Worked with Office Manager to project personnel costs for current year to correct any issues related to personnel changes and to get a head start on next year’s budget. Began drafting budget calendar.
+          Reviewed customer service training through Workforce Oregon. Q Care program is a great, free program for any business (ports, too) that deals with the public and wants to find training opportunities for their staff. The GTC has been discussing ways of getting businesses training opportunities.
+          Trying to find volunteers to help with the fishing tank during Garibaldi Days. Interested?
+          Received call from Karen Nelson, USACE, about beginning dredging process for boat basin.
+          E-mailed Tom Simonson that we will be returning the USDA-RBE grant for the pier’s end boathouse as we’ve been unable to secure matching non-federal funding before July 1 of next year. It’s too bad as USDA has worked with the Port to change the Scope (a few times), but we’ve been unable to get $15k in matching funds together.
+          Met with staff and OTAK engineer to review RV park utility upgrade. He’s recommending that we reduce the number of spaces from 62 to 48 due to park standards. Spent some time analyzing daily park use to determine how many days we actually have had more than 48 RVs in the park. May take a day or two to fully determine financial impacts.
+          Received press release from Port of Cascade Locks that their Executive Director, Chuck Daugherty, will be leaving the port at the end of the year.
+          Developed rough draft budget for GTC; went over numbers with Gene Tish.
+          Collaborated with Lisa Phipps, TEP, regarding her interest in meeting economic dev. Directors at the various coastal ports. Shared names, contact information and other insights with her.
+          Also talked about issues related to Lake Lytle, the county boat launch and issues related to invasive species. As you know, a lot of boaters “clean out” the salt from their motors by running in Lake Lylte. ODFW is looking for a possible spot for a boat wash, which could be a good tie in with Bryce Smith who is interested in putting in a commercial wash somewhere at the port.
+          Reviewed comments made by Bill Sargent regarding bylaws. Made changes.
+          Received comments from Shalini Basal, Seattle EDA program manager, regarding our submitted answers from Nov. 16th. Forwarded comments to Ken Valentine and will follow up next week.
+          Helped Mark Landauer, OPPA ED, track down contact information for the Port of Coquille River. POCR is a very small port (much smaller than Nehalem) located in Myrtle Point.
+          Distributed agenda for next Commission meeting to Irish’s Mooring and visited with the folks in there about port affairs.
+          Dropped off materials at Bay City City Hall for inclusion in their council packet. I’ll be making a presentation at their next meeting.
12/3     GTC Meeting
12/4     OPAC Meeting at POTB
12/6     NOHA Meeting

Friday, November 16, 2012

Port of Port Orford on OPB

Oregon Public Broadcasting has been posting podcasts of community interviews through their "Our Town" programming. I happened to catch the Port of Port Orford program at lunch today.

The Port of Port Orford is one the most unique ports on the entire west coast. They land about as much commercial fish as Garibaldi, but they don't have a marina. Their entire fleet is lifted out of the water and stored on their wharf when they're not fishing. Very unique set up.

Unfortunately, they need constant dredging as it becomes more and more difficult for those fishing vessels to belly up to the wharf in order to get hauled out. They are not unique and I think the OPB broadcast does a good job of shining a light on that specific problem.

POG Manager Report 11/10-16

POG Manager Report 11/10-16
+          Attended and assisted Port Commission at their regular meeting on the 14th.
+          Conducted staff meeting on the 15th.
+          Work session with Mark Ellsworth, Gov. Kitzhaber’s office, on developing language in support of the US Army Corps for the South Tillamook Bay jetty.
+          Article in Columbia Pacific Business Journal about Pelican Brewpub looking to expand it’s retail operation. Inquired to owners about opportunities in Garibaldi.
+          Scheduled conference call for December 4th with PNWA regarding recent Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund (HMTF) activity. Several email exchanges with state lobbyist as well regarding WRDA discussions in Washington D.C.
+          Worked with Ken Valentine, Wharf PM, on developing two project budgets for wharf. One, for $6.0MM and another for $4.6MM. The smaller budget backs out the road improvements and support piling on the south side of Commercial Ave. Also developed budget for EDA forms that were due today.
+          Formalized ConnectOregonIV grant agreement documents for $1.6MM and mailed to Salem.
+          Conversation with Port of Grays Harbor regarding guest moorage policies.
+          Received and read OCMA meeting packet for November 29-30 meeting in Newport. Helped Commissioner Barnett with reservations as our Port representative.
+          Began inquiring about Port Commission’s lobbying trip to Washington DC tentatively scheduled for late February 2013.
+          Reviewed proposals by EMS for maintenance dredging professional services. The Port Commission will be looking to add funds in next year’s budget to begin the permitting process. Last dredge was in 2007 and the Port has historically dredged every five to ten years.
+          Coordinated USACE FONSI document summarizing environmental impacts on wharf project with US Commerce.
+          Reviewed packet for Monday’s Garibaldi Days Committee meeting. Followed up with city staff to see if they could include a copy of the last GDays P&L and subcommittee assignments.
+          Received reminder from IFA about Port’s need to provide O&M manual related to the loan for the RV Park. It’s due by the end of November.
+          Spent considerable time, reviewing preliminary wharf project invoices to determine eligibility for reimbursement by the state. Will need to continue reviewing invoices, scopes of work and coordinating with PM and state to ensure the port receives the full intended reimbursement.
+          Discussion with wharf PM about whether to pursue Design/Build (DB) or Design/Bid/Build (DBB) contracting method. EDA may be amenable to an alternative contracting method.
+          Several conversations with city staff regarding EDA inquiries into city’s utility capacity in conjunction with wharf project. Basically the city is using about 15% of it’s current water capacity and 25% of its current wastewater treatment capacity which means that there’s plenty of room for growth in Garibaldi.
+          Solicited price quotes for budgetary purposes for a tourism brochure (four color, 20k run) for consideration by the Garibaldi Tourism Commission.
+          Filled out a $3k grant application to SDAO for loss control measures around the port. 50% grant for sidewalk repairs, security fencing and cameras.
+          Staff working on obtaining three quotes to replace stolen steel plates for dock repairs.
+          Conversation with Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad about their wanting to move the yellow ticket booth in Lumberman’s Park. If the Lion’s Club is fine with it (they’re the tenants), then I think it could be an improvement to the Park. I inquired about the OCSR’s vision plan as it’s critical that the city, port(s) and OCSR work together to develop that portion of Garibaldi from US101 to the waterfront comprehensively.
+          Submitted Commission’s Best Practices survey to SDAO which should result in significant savings in our premium.
+          Reviewed Tillamook Chambers website and inquired about adding content to it promoting the Garibaldi waterfront. Justin was very supportive and basically told me to submit content. Will do next week.
+          Discussion with Oregon Public Ports Association managers group about how port commission’s delegate authority to their managers. Port of Garibaldi does so through three policy tools: job description, employment contract and annual performance review.
+          Added new Port Manager’s blog on website.
+          Shared STIP grant application with John O’Leary and he’s signed off on it. App is due November 27th so we should be done early.
+          Prepared memo to Seattle Regional Office, EDA, submitting information that they asked for regarding our $3.0MM non-binding award letter. Needed to clarify the Port’s local share and list of businesses that would benefit from the project. Also discussed export opportunities as that’s of interest to US Commerce right now. Submitted updated budget ($6.0MM, but also have a $4.6MM one as well.) Provided statistics from DEQ regarding solid waste management access to Garibaldi, city of garibaldi water and sewer systems. Environmental check off list from Biological Assessment that we completed last year and titles for port-owned land. Preparation of this took about ten hours this week.

11/19   Garibaldi Days Committee Meeting
11/19   City Council/GURA Meeting
11/20   EDCTC Meeting
11/20   Lions Club/OCSR Meeting