Friday, January 25, 2013

POG Manager Report 1/12-25

+          Began writing paper for PSU HR course evaluating Port’s employee evaluation process. Included grading how I prepare for evaluations, ensuring objectivity, conducting the evaluation and developing an efficient form.
+          Meeting with Mary McArthur, Dennie Houle, Dan Biggs discussing financing for wharf project. Discussed various funding strategies for final amount.
+          Finalized materials to EDA requested as part of our non-binding letter of financial support. Followed up, but they've been pretty busy and haven't had time to consider our paperwork. Cross your fingers!
+          Attended last HR course at PSU.
+          Meeting with Megan McKibben, Rep. Shrader’s new coastal area rep. Dan Biggs also joined us to discuss oyster production opportunities for Tillamook Bay.
+          Commissioner Luquette came over to start diagnosing our camera problems.
+          Met with Roger Finger, WatchPoint Video, recommended by Port of Ilwaco to discuss our security cameras.
+          Tele conference with Mark Landauer, OPPA Exec. Dir.
+          Meeting with Mary Abrams, new head of Dept. of State Lands, two of her deputies, Sen. Johnson, Rep. Boone, Port President Val Folkema, Garibaldi Mayor Sue McCarthy and City Manager John O’Leary to discuss permitting issues related to Garibaldi. Main issues: So. Jetty repair, re-creation/rehabilitation of Garibaldi waterfront/wharf, subleasing of publicly owned property, permit coordination and thanks to the local DSL reps that help us through the layers of bureaucracy.
+          Visit with Van Moe to discuss Port affairs on his and Jane Scott's web cast program in Netarts. (
+          Slowly getting computer equipment back up and running.
+          Edited new business cards for office staff.
+          Met with Blair Smith to further review design concepts for boat/truck wash. Looking for them to make a presentation at the next Port meeting.
+          Talked with Sarah Christensen, DEQ, regarding Section 401 certification for the wharf project. She indicated that the USACE NWP #3 includes coverage on the storm drainage permit.
+          Worked with Rob Spooner, Mile x Mile publisher, to discuss ad layout for the Garibaldi spread. The Port traditionally has bought a two-page spread that allows for a discounted rate for local businesses. It’s been popular, but the MxM guide no longer is the Oregon Coast Visitor’s Association (OCVA) fulfillment piece.
+          Worked with Wendy Schink, County GIS, to produce new map of Port-owned property.
+          Met with Todd Bouchard, Harborview Motel, about lease update. Will be adding 3% provision.
+          Began pulling projects together for Budget Workshop with quotes. Getting close to finishing a draft of the RV Park budget. Clearly we are going to have more projects than money, so the workshop will be a big help in setting priorities for the budget.
+          Phone conference with PNWA (Heather Stebbings and Kristin Meira) to discuss three bill concepts that are floating around in DC. Battle lines are being drawn between the so-called “donor” ports (i.e. Seattle, Tacoma) who collect the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund (HMT) which is then dispersed to the USACE to conduct dredging/jetty repair to ports like Garibaldi, Newport, Port Orford, etc. This places PNWA in a very difficult position since their membership has a foot on both sides of the issue. At this time, they felt that the current RAMP legislation will open up the full HMT for its intended use. (I say “full” since right now only half is being used for its intended use, the other half is being used for “deficit reduction”.) I’m thinking that until a PNWA member like a Port of Seattle advocates for a policy change to PNWA, we’d be smart to support full RAMP legislation for its intended and historical purposes (i.e. no expansion of use).
+          Brainstormed scopes of work with Commissioner Luquette on wifi, surveillance cameras and data backup strategies for Port.
1/26     PSU Capstone Wharf Course
1/27     Luquette’s B-day
1/28     Planning Commission
1/30     Connect Report Due
1/31     County Managers get together
1/31     Oregon Coastal Ports Dredging Symposium in Brookings, Ore.


Friday, January 11, 2013

POG Manager Report 1/5-11

POG Manager Report 1/5-11
+          Attended Human Resource Management course at PSU.
+          Attended Garibaldi Tourism Commission (GTC) meeting at city hall.
+          Phone conference with OPPA Exec. Committee for developing agenda for month’s OPPA meeting.
+          Prepared and delivered statement to Tillamook County Commissioners to consider the repair of the South Tillamook Bay jetty as the county’s #1 federal priority. Though it will be difficult to get the $600k in funding for the engineering and survey work completed soon, the Commissioners did make the project the #1 focus for federal funds. This is the tenth year out of 12 that it has been the county’s top priority for federal funds. Thank you Tillamook County!
+          Attended Port Meeting at Rockaway Beach City Hall. Had the best turnout from RB citizens since we started making an annual visit north three years ago.
+          Met and gave tour of Port facilities to a gentleman interested in producing oyster seed/larvae here on Tillamook Bay.
+          Met with newly appointed Commissioner, Paul Daniels, to discuss issues affecting the port. I think Paul’s background in engineering with be a great asset to the Port. I also wrote letters to candidates Sause and Breazile thanking them for their interest. I’ll follow up with Rodney next week to check his interest in serving on the budget committee.
+          Received State Lands Fill/Removal Permit for wharf project.
+          Spent most of the week pulling together several components requested by US Commerce to complete the EDA grant application. We’ll be modifying the $6.0MM project to bring it to $4.7MM which will require updating several parts of the original application.
+          Reviewed PERS, Health Insurance and Social Security Impacts on next year’s budget (FY1213). All are going up which will have serious impacts on next year’s budget. PERS is +22%, Health Insurance is +10% and employee’s SS tax went up +2% on Jan. 1. The Port no longer provides insurance for spouse and family members which will provide some relief to the budget, but it buys the Port only a few years of wiggle room at the current rate increases.
+          Worked on the Enterprise Fund budget this week and have it about 95% completed.
+          Reviewed completed materials from Wednesday’s board meeting. Web site now has draft minutes from this month’s meeting, updated draft by laws ordinance, updated rate resolution, updated marina page with rates and resolution links, updated commissioner page. Hopefully it’ll continue to be an easy way to get info out to people.
+          Requested jetty support letter from MC Saindon.
+          Met with Glen Kearns/Cory Starrett, our auditors. Spent time reviewing year end journal entries and discussed various accounting strategies primarily dealing with insurance reimbursements that go directly from the insurance company to the vendor without entering our bookkeeping system. Normally, if we have an insurance claim on a building or big expense item, we receive the reimbursement (minus deductible) and then pay the vendor which is an easy way for the auditor to track the value of the port’s capital assets (big ticket items).
12/15   Tabitha back to work!
12/15   Staff Meeting
12/15   EDCTC Meeting
12/15   Meeting with Mary McArthur/Dennie Houle re: wharf
12/17   FACT Meeting
12/18   Jessi Off


Friday, January 4, 2013

POG Manager Report 12/15/2012-1/4/2013

POG Manager Report 12/15-1/4
+          Attended NOHA meeting in St. Helens.
+          Submitted COIV monthly status report to ODOT.
+          Preparing another reimbursement request to IFA for wharf project.
+          Three leases are up for three-year rate review.
+          Laptop died on me last week and have been working on my backup.
+          Reviewed agreement with CS&S for cameras and learned that the Port has only paid for equipment to date. Port had to discontinue relationship due to lack of service.
+          Reviewed and edited minutes for Commission packet.
+          Talked to interested parties in the vacant Commission seat.
+          Notice for By-laws Ordinance adoption did not make Wednesday paper pushing final adoption back to February.
+          Made edits to Rates, Fees and Charges resolution for Commission consideration at next meeting.
+          Completed annual self-evaluation and goals accomplished for Commission consideration.
+          Conversation with Tassi O’Neill, County Clerk, regarding status for May 21, 2013 election. Election paperwork is available from the County Clerk (or Port Office) and can be submitted to the County starting February 9th through March 21st. Positions for Commissioners Folkema, Browning, Luquette and the appointee will be on the ballot this Spring.
+          Made additions and clarifications to by-laws ordinance based upon previously reviewed OGEC suggestions. Also added provision about appointed commissioners having to run in next available election.
+          Final edits to Commission Annual Report.
+          Talked to EDA about getting balance of information into them next week. Phone conference on Monday. Looking to meet with Mary McArthur and Dennie Houle regarding state support for wharf grant.
+          Reviewed Garibaldi Tourism Commission agenda and proposed budget. Sent questions to city staff for consideration.
+          Basically trying to climb out from under my to-do pile that grew quite a bit during my two weeks off. Looking forward to working with the Commission, Staff and agency partners on some very exciting projects in 2013! Happy New Year!
1/5       Human Resource Management Class
1/7       GTC Meeting
1/7       OPPA Exec. Committee meeting
1/7       City Council Goal Setting Workshop
1/8       GDays Committee meeting
1/9       County Funding Priorities (2pm)
1/9       Port Commission (in Rockaway)
1/10     Possible business tenant meeting