Friday, April 26, 2013

POG Manager Report 4/20-26

+          Attended Garibaldi Days Committee meeting.
+          Provided follow up information to prospective interim financial organizations.
+          Several conversations with ODOT staff requiring necessary permits related to Commercial Ave.
+          Took second half of Tuesday off due to a dentist appointment.
+          Attended eviction court proceeding in RV park case at Justice Court.
+          Met with HHPR staff to discuss Commercial Ave. road permitting and EDA bid document review.
+          Received port photos from Joe Happ (two dozen) on CD that we can use for promotional items.
+          Conversation with OBDD Ports Division about statewide ports economic impact analysis. This report would include port specific “pull out” sections that would be of benefit to individual ports, but also compile an aggregate to identify state priorities. OBDD is asking for local port match. In our case it would be about $1500 or so. Our last EIA was over $3k, so I think it could be a good investment.
+          Thanks to John Luquette for scrubbing my old laptop which will allow office staff to have a dedicated computer for running our marina invoicing.
+          Clyde Wagner, our computer consultant, also offered to review the surveillance camera with staff and help develop a scope for bidding.
+          Conversation with USDA-RD about a $22k grant for the proposed 5 ton knuckle boom crane. Awaiting application.
+          Spent some time developing a very brief business directory for inclusion in the tourism brochure. Several exchanged with designer on progress.
+          Sent best wishes to Sen. Johnson in recovery from her automobile accident.
+          Received two-months worth of water data sampling information TEP/DEQ from the cargo dock. Also received rainfall totals from the city. Information is beneficial to oyster larvae production interests. I have continued interest in a pilot study mooring a “incubator” on the guest dock. Passed information along. There may be an affected moorage holder so trying to reach out to let them know what’s going on.
+          Submitted state of Oregon TIGER proposal form to ODOT for consideration of support for Commercial Ave. ROW improvements. Also received two applications from successful rural award winners. Plan on submitting a $1.5MM request to complete the road work on Commercial Ave.
+          Received draft scope from Scott Keillor on vision planning effort. Will be sharing with OBDD and DLCD to see their interest in helping to fund the study. Will be shared with Commission at their May board meeting.
+          Staff updated MAPS funding agreement.
+          Received preliminary interim financing quote from TLC and Bank of Astoria.
+          Save the date for June 13, annual EDCTC banquet.
+          Staff is working with affected wharf users to prepare for project. Will schedule a pow wow in early June most likely.
+          Responded to budget questions. Budget is now on the website.
+          Followed WRDA bill progress from Peter Friedman emails through OBDD. There are efforts to open up the full HMTF for its intended use, however, Rand Paul is looking to end dredging for all ports that aren’t moving 500,000 or more tons of cargo per year. Our lobbyists will be watching this closely.
+          Conversation with Todd Chase about possibly updated information for the next TIGER grant application.
+          Met with Allyson Gardner’s Food Roots group and gave a five minute spiel to the port’s economic contributions to Tillamook County.
+          Received budget updates to reflect eligible expenses related to the Enhance application. Coordinating jointly with city.
+          Finished a refined staff report on the port’s model lease. I shared the report with Bill Sargent who wrote a response to my reasons. The report does not reflect any individual tenant, but I did call Tamara Buell and let her know that I would be recommending that the Port Commission not change provisions to the Model Lease. All will be included in next month’s meeting packet.
+          Reviewed price quotes for new clothing for the maintenance crew. Will be reflective of the new work truck.
+          Received call from Port of Newport to assist in developing materials for the recruitment of a new port manager. I offered to share what Garibaldi has done and some other information from city management recruitment services. Bud Shoemake at Port of Toledo is also helping.

4/29    Suzy Q leaves Port
4/30    Ports Day (OPPA) at the Capitol
4/30    Connect Report Due
5/1      Port’s Budget Meeting (6pm)
5/2      NOHA Meeting


Monday, April 22, 2013

POG Manager Report 4/13-19

POG Manager Report 4/13-19
+          Staff Meeting held on Tuesday.
+          Lunch appointment with Commissioner Luquette.
+          Meeting with ODOT and City to discuss Enhance application for Commercial Ave. Included a discussion requiring the city/port to include a bioswale on the wharf to separate storm water. This could trigger a NEPA review and add costs to the project. Will continue to monitor.
+          Attended POTB open house.
+          Received pictures for walking map and forwarded to Joe Happ. Spent quite a bit of time discussing, reviewing and editing the walking map for Garibaldi as part of the Tourism Commission work product. Trying to get something printed by summer that can be used to direct people to sites around Garibaldi.
+          Several conversations with Ken Valentine, Mary McArthur, Stand Good and others regarding the bid process for the wharf. Developing a scope of work for the grant management portion of the project which is separate from the construction management and the design/build contracts. The grant management may be part of the construction management but the scope and responsibilities need to be clearly identified. Relocation expenses were zeroed out but inquired about adding some line item back for moving tenants around.
+          Reviewed OPPA legislative weekly summary from Salem.
+          Spent some time updating contact information with Oregoncoast (theWave) going out of business.
+          Scheduled appointments with Betsy Johnson and Deb Boone during the Port’s Day in Salem on April 30th.
+          Received insurance renewals from SDAO and updated budget numbers.
+          Lobbied OBDD to include discussions with DLCD to add a land use analysis on estuary development trends. OBDD is issuing a bid to determine a state wide economic impact analysis on port’s contributions to the state economy. DLCD is also undertaking a study to identify trends in estuary development zones. There should be some connectivity between both studies. OBDD also hasn’t clearly identified that there is a component in the EIA that will benefit individual ports and I’ve tried to ask them to more clearly identify what we can use here locally. There will be a cost sharing portion to ports; probably less than $2k for POG.
+          Working with staff to remove (three) boats. Phone calls and notices to try and limit the port’s costs. I think we may be able to sell the Suzy Q for $1 with the caveat that it be removed from Garibaldi. This is good news and should open up annual moorage for the waiting list.
+          Had some issues with our marina management software that may result in having to purchase new software ($5k). Comm. Luquette was nice enough to zap my old laptop and install the old marina software which should allow staff to issue billings this week. After several calls around the west coast, staff is developing a proposal to the Port Commission for buying new software. Thanks for John for helping with the technical side of things.
+          As member of OBDD peer review committee, reviewed Coos Bay Tug Study and reported back to Dave Harlan.
+          Ordered and received Garibaldi Days t-shirts for consignment here in the office.
+          Several emails with insurance company, attorney regarding Garibaldi Charters lease. Sargent has been out of town, but will be developing a legal opinion on issues related to increasing the port’s liability on leases.
+          Researched impacts on donating boat launches for fundraising events. Information will work its way into a staff report for commission discussion. Aside from loss of potential revenue, the port would be well advised to pre-print passes that we can monitor and issue.
+          Continued fighting between our insurance provider and a boat owner’s insurance provider regarding speed of winds during last November’s weather event.
+          Discussion with Bill Sargent and SDAO regarding public information request for elected official contact information. Phone numbers, addresses are all public information unless an elected official writes a letter stating that the release of such information would compromise the official’s safety.
+          Did a quick analysis on the RV’s park water/sewer usage. In the last year almost 2.8MM gallons of water was used at a cost of $8,900 to the port. The sewer bill was almost $13,000 during the same year. The sewer bill is definitely connected to the water consumption (albeit a year delay).
+          Provided follow up information to prospective interim financial organizations.

4/22    Garibaldi Days Committee meeting
4/23    Dental Appointment
4/24    Secretary’s Day
4/24    Camp Hosts arrive
4/25    Budget Packet distributed to committee
4/25    Wampler Court Date (eviction)


Friday, April 12, 2013

POG Manager Report 4/6-12

POG Manager Report 4/6-12
+          Meeting with Rob Trost, Doug Rosenburg, and John O’Leary regarding Old Mill marina rehabilitation and potential for some kind of partnership with the marina expansion.
+          Attended North Coast Planners Meeting at TBCC discussing various planning efforts.
+          Attended and participated in Port Commission meeting.
+          Took personal time late Thursday for Drs. Apt.
+          Had coffee at Irish’s Mooring Friday morning and listed to various issues effecting people at the Port. Talked to Gene Tish who was distributing Garibaldi Days t-shirts. Port will take ten on consignment.
+          Talked to Todd Chase and Scott Keillor about helping with a new TIGERV grant for balance of wharf project.
+          Asked Keillor to help prepare a scope of work for SBP vision process. Hope to have something for next board meeting.
+          Follow up with DEQ on the 900-J noticing issue from last year. They’re still working on it.
+          Talked to G Dock moorage holders about possibly moving to assist with a larvae production opportunity. Haven’t heard back yet.
+          Met with Gary Nothstein to talk about OG building. Not much movement here as they’ve had him in California.
+          Updated L-3 lease paperwork and sent to assessor’s office.
+          Discussions with Jessi about cash balance availability for a general fund loan to either the Enterprise Fund or Capital Projects Fund for next year projects. There’s about $200k available for either interim financing related to the wharf project or for making improvements to the RV park. Either way the other funds would eventually pay interest and pay the general fund back.
+          Still have $9700 in available port planning grants on our wharf bid docs.
+          Received new workers comp rates from Hudson Insurance and worked them into our budget.
+          Conversation with Glen Kearns about audit/budget implications with new federal funds and the possibility of an interagency loan. After tax season, he’ll prepare a financial analysis of a loan. He also suggested that the Port create a Capital Projects Fund for the wharf project. It will require a single audit which is more expensive but those costs can be paid by the wharf fund.
+          Took pictures, found pictures forwarded to Joe Happ for creation of a walking map. Several email exchanges to begin development of the map before summer.
+          Scheduled ODOT meeting with city and Ken Valentine to talk about the city’s $300k enhance grant.
+          Worked with Dave Olson to get quotes for repairs to Garibaldi Charter building. Might want to put in brick pavers instead of river rock next to the fixed sidewalk as well.
+          Continued to work on budget message and financials. Conversation with Assessor’s Office on tax related issues for budget.
+          Lots of emails regarding the federal budget process. Low use ports in Oregon continued to get “zeroed” out.
+          Picnic tables arrived. Guys are staining them and have already put one out on the TEP fishing dock. Looks great! They’ll be putting one of the rules sign from piers end on this pier.
+          Received emails and letters regarding Garibaldi Charter lease. Spent most of Friday drafting a staff report for port attorney’s review.
+          Received and read OPPA legislative update on bill status in Salem.
+          Exchange with David Ulbricht, Baird Finance, regarding a lead on interim financing.
+          Considerable follow-up with EDA Seattle District. Forwarded contract documents to Ken Valentine and Mary McArthur. Mary (via NOEA) will help us prepare a scope of work for the grant management portion of the project.
+          Coordinating scope of work for the shower building in RV park between architect and engineer.
+          Conducted administrative research on leasehold parking and public parking. Fisherman’s Korner and Garibaldi Cannery clearly have parking on their leasehold. Trollers is a little different. About 80 percent of the parking space is in the public right of way (outside leasehold). The front of the space – and perhaps more importantly – the sign that says restricted for Troller customers, is clearly on their leasehold. Staff ordered signs for Biak Ave. and should get the one-hour parking signs up next week some time.
+          Will attend port’s day at the capitol on Tuesday, April 30th. Plan on taking POG booth and local treats for sharing and will touch base with Boone/Johnson.
+          Followed up with Paul Daniels on highway signs on US101. Left message with Jeff Buchanan, ODOT sign planner, about coordinating signage approaching Garibaldi from 101.
+          Signed eviction notice for RV tenant.

4/15    City Council meeting
4/16    Staff Meeting
4/17    ODOT grant meeting with City
4/17    POTB Open House
4/18    FACT Meeting
4/19    Garibaldi Day of Service


Friday, April 5, 2013

POG Manager Report 3/30-4/5

POG Manager Report 3/30-4/5
+          Attended NOHA Meeting in Warrenton.
+          Meeting with Collin Stelzig, HLB/OTAK, to discuss changes on the preliminary engineering on the RV park. Need to finalize footprint size for bathroom building.
+          Meeting with Hank Bynaker, Port of Astoria, to discuss regional issues.
+          Met with Matt Spangler, DLCD Coastal Zone Mgr, to discuss issues related to state review of estuary zoning goals.
+          Meeting with Kate Groth/Mike Ott, USACE; Amber Johnson, ODFW; Mike Saindon, USCG. Annual Corps visit to discuss dredging, jetty needs. The Port may need to keep the upland disposal sites as the Corps fears there may be eel grass growing in the federal channel. There’s no proof yet, but they’re looking into a one-time mitigation opportunity related to their in-stream disposal permit.
+          Attended Tourism Commission meeting. Agreed to take the lead on developing a walking trail map. Looking to incorporate feedback from a tenants get together two weeks ago. Hope to have something on the street by summer.
+          Completed and submitted monthly annual report for Connect Oregon grant.
+          Met with K. Barnett and S. Dana regarding purchase of business interest in Lease 3. Consulted with Kari Fleisher at Assessor’s Office to confirm building/land values. Wrote and sent letter to Barnett reviewing what would be needed to develop a new lease. Research business listing on Oregon Secy of State site and edited new lease for Commission consideration.
+          Correspondence with Rockaway Chamber about promoting Lake Lytle on Port’s website. They’ve offered the Port a link on their site as well.
+          Spent Monday working for about an hour on surveillance equipment proposals. Made a few phone calls to confirm equipment specs.
+          Follow up with Nina DiConcini, DEQ, on where the agency is at in noticing landowners when various discharge permits are about to expire. The permit is stuck with the property, but only the tenant is noticed, not the landlord. This has severe implications in land valuation is these permits are allowed to expire without proper notice. It’s been over a year since we’ve inquired with no progress.
+          Trying to find a spot on the transient dock for an upwelling unit (8’ x 20’) for cultivating oyster larvae.
+          Several conversations regarding interim financing with various banks and financing groups.
+          Helped Jessi with the final bits and pieces on the OSMB grant for the loading dock. She did a great job pulling everything together. Crossing our fingers!
+          Pulled some ideas together with a list of amenities/businesses to begin developing the walking map of Garibaldi. Several email exchanges with Kathleen Newton on the project. Map to be funded with city TRT funds via the tourism commission. Great collaborative effort between the port and city.
+          Ports Day at the Capitol scheduled for April 30th.
+          Found error, made change and re-approved ad design for county-wide tour/road map to be distributed around the state.
+          Conversation with SDAO insurance rep. Received and updated tentative health care, insurance costs for developing annual compensation plan resolution. Health insurance is going up 16%!
+          Received inspection report on the Garibaldi Charters building. Reviewed with David Olson and he’s getting cost estimates for repairs to the building (roof, etc.). Will be calling new tenants to begin negotiations. It made be difficult to make repairs this fiscal year.
+          Received plot plan from Blair Smith and go-ahead on applying for the zone change for the boat wash facility.
+          Worked with staff to generate a report for the Port Commission on tenant parking at the port. None of the port leases authorize tenant-specific parking outside the lease boundaries, though there are plenty of time-limited signs around the port. Issue will be on Wednesday’s agenda.
+          Met with Irish’s Mooring to discuss details of their lease addendum. Looking to extend to 20 years. Also on meeting agenda.
+          OG requested a change to monthly lease payments, but I’m reluctant to amend their lease at this time until they can show a year of regular commercial activity.
+          Invited to meeting with Old Mill and City about their interest in rebuilding their marina on Miami Cove.
+          Conversation with EDA on next steps. Should be getting formal contract agreement next week. Ken Valentine is beginning to work on the bid documents for EDA review for both the DB contract and Construction Management contract.
+          Conversation with Scott Keillor to have him develop an RFP for the vision plan. It would include (1) identifying where different uses can occur, (2) design criteria development, (3) meeting terms of DLCD grant agreement, (4) review of SBP goals, and (5) land use compatibility analysis for the desired uses.
+          Reviewed monthly financial documents and prepared staff report summarizing activity for the Commission.

4/9      Old Mill Meeting with City
4/10    DLCD Meeting
4/10    Port Meeting
4/11    Drs. Appt.
