Monday, April 22, 2013

POG Manager Report 4/13-19

POG Manager Report 4/13-19
+          Staff Meeting held on Tuesday.
+          Lunch appointment with Commissioner Luquette.
+          Meeting with ODOT and City to discuss Enhance application for Commercial Ave. Included a discussion requiring the city/port to include a bioswale on the wharf to separate storm water. This could trigger a NEPA review and add costs to the project. Will continue to monitor.
+          Attended POTB open house.
+          Received pictures for walking map and forwarded to Joe Happ. Spent quite a bit of time discussing, reviewing and editing the walking map for Garibaldi as part of the Tourism Commission work product. Trying to get something printed by summer that can be used to direct people to sites around Garibaldi.
+          Several conversations with Ken Valentine, Mary McArthur, Stand Good and others regarding the bid process for the wharf. Developing a scope of work for the grant management portion of the project which is separate from the construction management and the design/build contracts. The grant management may be part of the construction management but the scope and responsibilities need to be clearly identified. Relocation expenses were zeroed out but inquired about adding some line item back for moving tenants around.
+          Reviewed OPPA legislative weekly summary from Salem.
+          Spent some time updating contact information with Oregoncoast (theWave) going out of business.
+          Scheduled appointments with Betsy Johnson and Deb Boone during the Port’s Day in Salem on April 30th.
+          Received insurance renewals from SDAO and updated budget numbers.
+          Lobbied OBDD to include discussions with DLCD to add a land use analysis on estuary development trends. OBDD is issuing a bid to determine a state wide economic impact analysis on port’s contributions to the state economy. DLCD is also undertaking a study to identify trends in estuary development zones. There should be some connectivity between both studies. OBDD also hasn’t clearly identified that there is a component in the EIA that will benefit individual ports and I’ve tried to ask them to more clearly identify what we can use here locally. There will be a cost sharing portion to ports; probably less than $2k for POG.
+          Working with staff to remove (three) boats. Phone calls and notices to try and limit the port’s costs. I think we may be able to sell the Suzy Q for $1 with the caveat that it be removed from Garibaldi. This is good news and should open up annual moorage for the waiting list.
+          Had some issues with our marina management software that may result in having to purchase new software ($5k). Comm. Luquette was nice enough to zap my old laptop and install the old marina software which should allow staff to issue billings this week. After several calls around the west coast, staff is developing a proposal to the Port Commission for buying new software. Thanks for John for helping with the technical side of things.
+          As member of OBDD peer review committee, reviewed Coos Bay Tug Study and reported back to Dave Harlan.
+          Ordered and received Garibaldi Days t-shirts for consignment here in the office.
+          Several emails with insurance company, attorney regarding Garibaldi Charters lease. Sargent has been out of town, but will be developing a legal opinion on issues related to increasing the port’s liability on leases.
+          Researched impacts on donating boat launches for fundraising events. Information will work its way into a staff report for commission discussion. Aside from loss of potential revenue, the port would be well advised to pre-print passes that we can monitor and issue.
+          Continued fighting between our insurance provider and a boat owner’s insurance provider regarding speed of winds during last November’s weather event.
+          Discussion with Bill Sargent and SDAO regarding public information request for elected official contact information. Phone numbers, addresses are all public information unless an elected official writes a letter stating that the release of such information would compromise the official’s safety.
+          Did a quick analysis on the RV’s park water/sewer usage. In the last year almost 2.8MM gallons of water was used at a cost of $8,900 to the port. The sewer bill was almost $13,000 during the same year. The sewer bill is definitely connected to the water consumption (albeit a year delay).
+          Provided follow up information to prospective interim financial organizations.

4/22    Garibaldi Days Committee meeting
4/23    Dental Appointment
4/24    Secretary’s Day
4/24    Camp Hosts arrive
4/25    Budget Packet distributed to committee
4/25    Wampler Court Date (eviction)


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