Friday, July 12, 2013

POG Manager Report 7/6-12

POG Manager Report 7/6-12
+          Called Joel Stevens to make July 17th rescheduled meeting.
+          Attended Rockaway Beach Tourism Commission meeting to ask questions about Tourism Commissions generally and discussed ways of working more closely together.
+          Received new network copier/printer. Old one will be mothballed and sent to Salem with our old truck when its time.
+          Attended NOHA meeting in Columbia County.
+          Several calls/emails to Blair Smith to get design review items for commission review. Followed up with attorney to get draft lease prepared. Met with his builder, Toby Taylor, to discuss power line issues. We decided to set a meeting with Commissioner Daniels to bring everything together before next week’s meeting.
+          Conversation with Port’s engineer on RV park upgrades to discuss powerline options. He felt that the RV park will only need single phase power and that the cost would be about the same going from the front of the lot compared to the back of the lot. Hoping to get final design proposal soon.
+          Reviewed wharf engineering and final geotech proposal. Discussed with Ken Valentine. HHPR will begin surveying for the job next week. Also received updated project budget.
+          Have been trying to keep posted on issues related to the city’s land use code and port tenants. Unfortunately, state Goal 16 has some pretty restrictive language about what constitutes water “dependent”. Most of the businesses down at the Port existed before land use laws were in place, so even though a restaurant is legal, it’s a “pre existing, non-conforming use”. This means that if a new restaurant wants to come to the port, it would be very restrictive for that use. I believe that the Port’s vision effort this summer/fall will create the opportunity for an overhaul of the land use issues. It won’t be easy and I don’t envy the city at this point.
+          Continuing to communicate with Garibaldi Charters about lease renewal, but they have been busy and unable to move the lease forward. Will be an issue at next week’s meeting.
+          Received comments from our insurance carrier on the proposed resolution setting insurance certificate limits for tenants. Right now everyone submits something different. She felt that the limits in the resolution are very reasonable especially in light of the increased exposure under the tort limits in Oregon. Agenda item next week.
+          Starting clean up on upstairs apartment. Have already received interest in renting it out, but we are awaiting the building inspection report first.
+          Received health department RV park inspection report. Left message for Annette Pampush to review. They will be looking forward to the Port’s rebuild as many/most of the sites are too close.
+          Filed final paperwork with Connect Oregon and EDA so that we can start submitting reimbursement requests for the wharf project.
+          Followed up with USACE on permit for boarding float project. Have email out to them about when we can expect permit.
+          Legislative session is over and reviewed final analysis from Mark Landauer, OPPA.
+          Followed up with IFA on final grant for wharf preliminary planning. They’re playing pretty tough on what they’ll reimburse on and re-sent a geotech invoice that they’ve indicated they will pay on. Looks like they won’t reimburse us for the last $5k. Kind of tough, but not enough to make a bid deal over.
+          Also submitted letters of support from Boone/Johnson to OBDD for the port’s grant application for the commission’s vision plan, an update of the Strategic Business Plan.
+          Nominated as VP for OPPA executive committee next year.
+          Went over Scott Keillor’s scope and contract for vision and it looks great. Sent updated scope to OBDD and DLCD, potential grant funders.
+          Talked to Laura Hicks, USACE, and left messages with County about looking at a new dredge disposal site perhaps in Barview behind the training jetty. Could be a substitute place for the port’s jerry creasy way site.
+          Wrote and submitted letter to County Clerk certifying the election results.
+          Talked to owner of Icarus about moorage being terminated. Told him that I couldn’t help, but that he could attend next commission meeting.
+          Photographers will descend upon Port next week on the 15th as part of a region-wide contest.
+          Submitted and received demolition permit for 600/602 Garibaldi Ave. buildings. Also received some historic background information from Kari at the Assessor’s Office. Developed SOW and RFP for demolition contract; sent contract and RFP to EDA review. Like the scope; attorney needs to look at our contract, but very promising. We’ll be having a pre-bid meeting next Wednesday and bids should be in following week. Buildings should be down by mid-August.
+          Received, read and included in meeting packet letter from Coastal Caucus directed at north coast ports about dredging plans.
+          Began review personnel manual regarding comp time issues. May come up at board meeting.

7/15    Meeting with Blair Smith
7/15    GDays Committee
7/16    EDCTC Meeting
7/17    Port Meeting (rescheduled)
7/18    FACT Meeting


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