Friday, July 19, 2013

POG Manager Report 7/13-19

POG Manager Report 7/13-19
+          Meeting with Blair Smith, Toby Taylor and Paul Daniels to discuss issues related to boat wash project.
+          Pre-bid meeting with local contractors on demo project. Started out on just the buildings; but we decided to add the decking as an alternate deductible. This is an effort to keep as much of the job here in the county. Made changes to scope based on pre-bid walk through. Forwarded to state and feds for approval. Will finalize and get to bidders early next week.
+          Several meetings with staff managing work time and schedules. Introduced weekly time schedule that should more easily maintain accrued flex/comp time.
+          Meeting with Whitey Forsman about temporary displacement during construction. Pacific Oyster will be the biggest displaced tenant. Port will work with Pac so their barges can use the cargo dock.
+          Received complimentary letter from OBDD about Port’s use of strategic business planning, but our $40k grant request to further a vision plan was rejected. We still have an open $12,500 grant application out to DLCD and I’m hoping to hear on the results in the next couple of week. Will work with Commission to pare back scope.
+          Staff scheduled work for under wharf survey on July 22-23.
+          Finished cleaning of apartment and are awaiting the building inspection report.
+          Received final signatures on boat launch permit for USACE.
+          Gave tour to Michael Minoski, who was taking pictures of a day in the life of Oregon. 150 other photographers across the state were working on the same project. This is actually a recreation of a project done exactly 30 years ago to the day.
+          Due to long meeting agenda, prepared amended agenda and posted to media/around town within 48 hours of meeting.
+          Request from USCG Station Tillamook Bay to add a link our website. Will add it next week.
+          Staff alerted mill, boathouse about clearing stuff off boat wash lot.
+          Submitted sign permit to city for a sign on the Tillamook Bay side of our office building. Also submitted a letter to the Planning Commission to define “site frontage” to include non-rights of way, especially water frontage.
+          Discussion with City staff to pursue a Conditional Use to convert space by the dredge spoils site into a maintenance yard. The Port needs to find our maintenance crew a work yard and future home.
+          Submitted final engineer report to OBDD for reimbursement request for prelim grant. Should be receiving one final invoice from HHPR for additional reporting that could also be submitted. This should complete our prelim grant with the state.
+          Talked to representatives from the Local Government Personnel Institute (a subsidiary of the League of Oregon Cities) about reviewing port’s classification plan (job descriptions), personnel manual and processes to ensure that job descriptions match actual duties. Job descriptions appear to be decades old. SDAO can review policies and give samples but they don’t have the staff time to review job descriptions.
+          Had someone from the valley offer up their hotrod car to drive dignitaries in the G-Days parade. Forwarded information to Tourism Commission. We receive lots of calls about Garibaldi Days and port maintenance staff will be busy that weekend as well.
+          Conversation with David Wegner, Sr. Democratic Staff Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment about the shoaling issue at the mouth of Tillamook Bay. We talked about USACE authorization to 18-ft. depth, but the USCG has suggested dredging a “sand trap”, a 40-ft. hole that would absorb the break energies. Basically, federal representatives are working on issues related to low use ports and seeing what can be added to the next round WRDA legislation.
+          Touched base with interested parties on agenda items for this week’s commission meeting to make sure they had copies of packet and updated agenda.
+          Quarterly ports meeting scheduled for July 30 in Salem following the monthly OPPA meeting. On my schedule to attend.
+          Proofed and edited new letterhead to match business cards and other stationary.
+          Coordinated County Managers meeting last week of July.
+          Reviewed engineering contract with Commission Daniel and shared input with HHPR.
+          Reviewed OPPA agenda with executive committee.
+          EDA/ConnectOregon signs up at entry point into port. Also, ODOT put up new Port of Garibaldi signs about 4 miles out each way into town.

7/22-23          Wharf Surveying
7/23    Staff Meeting
7/24    TIDE Meeting
7/25    Commissioner Training at POTB
7/25-26          Jessi Off


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