Friday, February 1, 2013

POG Manager Report 1/26-2/1

POG Manager Report 1/26-2/1
+          Conversation with a tenant about lease. They’d like to get a five year lease, but only if provisions in our standard lease are removed. I won’t be able to recommend to the Commission that lease provisions be pulled since that would provide preferential treatment of one tenant over others. The Port leases are basically “triple net” leases and place most responsibility on the tenant in exchange for a significant property right.
+          Participated in online discussion with Oregonian editorial writer, Jeff Mapes, on the state of PERS for future public workers in Oregon. Mapes said that the PERS methodology is different than social security in that it’s not as dependent on the size of the workforce, but didn’t get a chance to dig deeper on that.
+          Received draft schedule for DC trip. We need to amend the schedule to include a trip to the NW RIT at USACE. These are the folks who make the funding decisions.
+          Discussion with OSMB and ODFW about opportunities to fund boat wash facility.
+          Reviewed draft OM&R document. Staff will need to schedule time to pull data together for final tabulation by OTAK.
+          Received county support letters to federal delegation and forwarded to port lobbyist in DC.
+          Follow up conversation with Blair Smith about boat/truck wash facility. Put in touch with same designer who did the R Sanitary drawings. Hope to have something for the February meeting.
+          Discussion with Glen Kearns, auditor, about how to budget for unforeseen paid leave or other similar expenditures to avoid going over budget. He suggested including those dollar amounts from the audit ($27k in the case of paid leave liability) in the budgeted contingency and call it out specifically in the budget message. He did think it was a good idea to account for those emergencies specifically with a budget line item.
+          Meeting with Mark Seder, architect, about vision plan scope of work for next fiscal year. Also put him in touch with Blair Smith to help them develop images for commission consideration on boat wash facility.
+          Confirmed OPPA plans for SDAO conference.
Urness, Greenwood, Folkema, Bynaker, Wolfe
+          Travelled with Commissioner Folkema to Scappoose to fly with other officials down to Brookings for a meeting with Rep. DeFazio, Col. Eisenhauer, and south coast ports to discuss dredging issues. Unfortunately, Sen. Johnson’s plane had mechanical problems and the flight was cancelled! We did get a chance to visit with Greg Wolfe, Gov. Kitzhaber’s intergovernmental affiars director, Hank Bynaker Port of Astoria CEO, and Craig Urness, Pacific Seafood General Counsel.
+          Filled out and sent monthly Connect Oregon status report to ODOT.
+          Solicited additional letters of support from POTB, FACT, Barview/Watseco Neighborhood Association.
+          Conversation with Megan McKibben, Rep. Schrader’s new coastal rep. Exchanged commission contact information with Megan. Invited the Commission to Rep. Schrader’s Leader Roundtable on Feb. 1st.
+          Debriefed with Comm. Barnett regarding Salem hearing on the Territorial Sea Plan.
+          Coordinated Comm. Luquette access for this weekend so he can evaluate our wifi system. We’ve been having a long struggle with security cameras and wifi and John has offered to take a look at the system. He’s the IT manager for TPUD and has the expertise to evaluate it. Thank you!
+          Reviewed various legislation being proposed in DC on jetty/dredging funding. The Port is supporting the RAMP legislation that advocates for the full collected Harbor Maintenance Tax to be spent on authorized uses (jetties and dredging). Currently only half of the collected HMT is actually spent on jetties and dredging.
+          Formalized employment hiring of Tabitha Blair, our relatively new Administrative Assistant. Please welcome Tabitha back to the Port of Garibaldi!
+          Conversation with Chris Knutsen, ODFW Fish Biologist, on funding opportunities for boat wash facilities. Also left message with Glenn Dolphin, OSMB, to see what the Port can do. Here's a link that Chris forwarded to me on a similar facility at Ten Mile Lake on the south coast....
+          Called Mindy Simmons, Program Manager for the USACE in Washington DC, about scheduling some time when we’re back there later this month.
+          Had lengthy work session with Collin Stelzig, Otak, and staff as he interviewed our processes and procedures related to the management of the RV park. The Commission hired Otak to prepare the Operations, Management and Replacement (OMR) manual required by the state as a part of the loan we received for acquiring the RV park.
+          Comm. Folkema and I submitted emails of thanks for various federal officials supporting the RAMP legislation.
+          Studied the Port of Brookings attempt to install a room tax (in addition to those of the city and state) on tourist accomodations located on Port property. Consulted with OPPA about legalities of such an effort.
+          Scheduled to appear in front of County Commission on Feb. 6th to get a letter of support for jetty project.
+          Received GTC agenda and packet for next Monday’s meeting.
+          Working with staff to prepare capital project costs for capital improvement list amendment consideration.
+          Received a paper from a PSU MPA student who studied Garibaldi as part of a public administration course. He asked me to read and add comments; as well as for John O’Leary to do the same. It’s great that PSU student are studying our small community as an opportunity for future public leaders.
+          Wrote 500 word article for next Tillamook Chamber newsletter of economic development opportunities related to Garibaldi.
+          Worked with staff and GTC to make edits to two-page Port spread in the Mile x Mile Guide. The Port buys the spread which allows local businesses to purchase advertising at a subsidized rate. This year, local businesses will see a cost reduction of 5% in their costs in advertising.
+          Staff has been meeting with surveillance equipment companies to get various scope of work for our camera/wifi system.
+          Ended up home for half a day with a sick kid on Thursday.
+          Attended County Manager’s get-together.
+          Meetings with various tenants, public folks that dropped in.
+          Met with Leaseholder on lease modification negotiation. Hope to have on next agenda.
+          Worked on budget.

2/4      Garibaldi Tourism Commission meeting
2/6      County Commission presentation
2/7      NOHA Meeting in Warrenton


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